Pray with us

God, give us eyes to see the wideness of your world, shimmering with beauty and holiness.
Stimulate our imaginations, infusing us with courage and hope.
Surround us with friendship.
Plant us as seeds of resurrection.


With God as the burning center, we are restored toward our true humanity.

Eugene’s life – his books and sermons, prayers and friendships – hummed with one basic, unwavering theme: God. The pastor’s essential responsibility, Eugene insisted, was to stand amid our confused, restless world and speak one word: God.

In the same way, poets and novelists, carpenters and musicians – artists of every sort – are necessary guides because with every sentence, brushstroke or cut of the saw, their creativity (whether they recognize it or not) point us to the origin of all beauty.



Doxology is a gathering for all of us, befuddled or hopeful (or both) who long for the simple, sacred life that flows from the Triune God.

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The Journal

In the wood shop with Eric Peterson

I’ll start by saying that vocationally I identify as a village pastor, and I serve the church I founded twenty- six years ago. I very much like being rooted in a particular community over a long stretch of time, and it’s important to me that I know everyone’s name…

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Longing for a Faithful Way

What if, rather than increasing effectiveness or building platform or maximizing efficiency, our churches and our neighborhoods really need friendship, humility, and wisdom?

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