A Burning in My Bones, The Biography of Eugene Peterson


The authorized biography of Eugene Peterson, written over four years—while sifting through scores of interviews, private diaries, and thousands of letters, tells the story of a very human man whose life was consumed with holy love.

Encounter the multifaceted life of one of the most influential and creative pastors of the past half-century with unforgettable stories of Eugene’s lifelong devotion to his craft and love of language, the influences, and experiences that shaped his unquenchable faith, the inspiration for his decision to translate The Message, and his success and struggles as a pastor, husband, and father.

Author Winn Collier was given exclusive access to Eugene and his materials for the production of this landmark work. Drawing from his friendship and expansive view of Peterson’s life, Collier offers an intimate, beautiful, and earthy look into a remarkable life.

For Eugene, the gifts of life were inexhaustible: the glint of fading light over the lake, a kiss from Jan, a good joke, a bowl of butter pecan ice cream. As you enter into his story, you’ll find yourself doing the same—noticing how the most ordinary things shimmer with a new and unexpected beauty.

Get it here.

In the wood shop with Eric Peterson

I’ll start by saying that vocationally I identify as a village pastor, and I serve the church I founded twenty- six years ago. I very much like being rooted in a particular community over a long stretch of time, and it’s important to me that I know everyone’s name…

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Longing for a Faithful Way

What if, rather than increasing effectiveness or building platform or maximizing efficiency, our churches and our neighborhoods really need friendship, humility, and wisdom?

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